
Download program supervisi kepala sekolah sma negeri
Download program supervisi kepala sekolah sma negeri

The results of this study indicate that the academic supervision of the head of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Karawang is effective in improving teacher performance. Data analysis uses data reduction, presentation, and leverage techniques. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and written document studies.

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This research is a qualitative descriptive study involving the principal, teachers, and stakeholders in data collection. This study aims to investigate and provide an overview of improving teacher performance through the academic supervision of the madrasah principal at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Karawang. Academic supervision of madrasah principals is one of the functions of education management that will help teachers improve their performance on an ongoing basis. Teacher performance is an important aspect of improving the quality of education in Indonesia. 4) the findings of educational supervision followed by the supervisor through humanistic and professional approach.Academic Supervision, Teacher Performance Abstract 3) the imple-mentation of educational supervision was conducted in regular schedule byeach teacher, the process would done through a meeting before observation, obser-vation of teaching learning process and a meeting after observation. 2) the appli-cation of educational supervision technique has not been optimized, so, it could not reveal the weakness of teaching learning process in detail. Supervision program includes the analysis of teachers' ability, development of teaching learning process, development of teacher professionalism and development of curriculum analysis. After analyzing the data, it has been found that: 1) the program of educational supervision organized at the beginning of the semester each year by the supervisors, the principaland the senior teacher.

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The subjects of this research were the supervisors from The Ministry of Religious Affairs Pidie, the principal, the vise principal and the teachers MAN 1 Sigli. To gain the data needed, the writer applied some techniques observation, interview and documentation. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach with descriptive method.

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3) the process of educational supervision and 4) to follow-up the educational supervision. 2) the technical of educational supervision. The purposes of this research were aimed to find out: 1) the program of educational supervision. Educational supervision is an effort of teachers' establishment for improving the quality of teaching learning process in school or madrasah.

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